In life we don't get what we want, we get in life what we are. If we want more we have to be able to be more, in order to be more you have to face rejection. PEACE !

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Take care and Feed my mind

My mind need rest and foods to be in good performance. Otherwise it will "carput", and out of performance. Sleeping and reading. His daily duty is thinking, analyzing,assessing and making decision about anything for me. Thank you my friend.. If your service better-I'll take care of you. SORRY, If you want for me to give you a better service take care of me. My mind is also a very good complainer.

Just like my body need good food every day, my mind need good thoughts every day. If I feed my body with junk food and my mind with bad thoughts, I will have both a sick body and mind. 

I practice to be a positive thinker even though I encounter with the negative people and situations. Try to stick firm in positive attitude by constantly feeding my mind on the pure, the powerful and the positive on the daily basis.I realize that I am going to be faced with the negative and if I have the reserve of positive attitude I will be able to overcome; otherwise the negative will prevail.

Positive thinker are not fools and they are not going through life with blinder. They are winners who recognize their limitation, but focus on their strengths. Loser standing on the other side, recognize their strengths but focus on their weakness. If two men are asked to fight - "cool man" and "hot tempered" man. Who will have the big opportunity to become a winner. "Cool man" goes with strategies but the "hot tempered" one comes with emotional.

Day by day I make mistakes. But won't repeat the same one. WORLD-Teach me more about anything or something.

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