In life we don't get what we want, we get in life what we are. If we want more we have to be able to be more, in order to be more you have to face rejection. PEACE !

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My key "life gift" - emotional health

My definition of emotional health is having total peace about who I am, what I'm doing, and where I'm going, both individually and in relationship to those around me. In other words, it's feeling totally at peace about the past, present, and future of my life. It's knowing that I'm inline with God's ultimate purpose for me and being fulfilled in that. When I have that kind of peace and I no longer live in emotional agony, then I am a success. 

In contrast to what many people think, emotional health is just as practical and attainable as physical health. If I don't feed my body the right food, I will become ill and die. Spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, I have to be fed and cared for properly, or that part of me gets sick and dies a slow death. Proper exercise for the mind and emotion is just as beneficial as exercise for the body, but most people tend not to think of it way. The way I practice to take care of my emotional health as below. I share it with everyone. Your mind and emotions, like your physical body, need to be freed from stress, fed properly, exercise, cleansed, nurtured, retrained, exposed to freshness and light, and given rest.

Seven steps to Emotional Health
  1. Release the Past: Confess to God the times you have failed, and release the times others have failed by moving in full forgiveness.
  2. Live in Obedience: Understand that God's ruler are for your benefit, and try to the best of your knowledge to live God way, knowing that every step of obedience bring you closer to the total wholeness.
  3. Seek total Restoration: Refuse to accept less than all God has for you, and remember that finding wholeness is an ongoing process.
  4. Find Deliverance: Recognize who your enemy is, and separate yourself from anything that separates you from God or keeps you from becoming all God made you to be.
  5. Receive God's gifts: Acknowledge the gifts God has given to you, and take the steps necessary to receive them, either bad or good.
  6. Reject the Pitfalls: Avoid or get free of the negative traps and deceptions that rob you of life.
  7. Stand STRONG: Believe that as long as you stand with God and don't give up, you win. Insyallah.
These seven steps are really natural laws that work for our benefit when we live in harmony with them. Living the right way generate life, no matter who we are or what our circumstances. Likewise, doing the wrong thing leads to death. Understanding the seven steps with your mind will influence the state of your heart, which will effect your emotion and ultimately your entire life. Master it and and make it operate successfully in your life and the life countless others. Now start your journey toward emotional health.

Together we will take it step at a time.
A Little Black Pen

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