In life we don't get what we want, we get in life what we are. If we want more we have to be able to be more, in order to be more you have to face rejection. PEACE !

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


There is in reality, nothing that can limit you, nothing that can prevent you from being what you want to be. The only obstacle to you achieving anything, is your own belief that you CANNOT do whatever it is you have to do, to become whoever it is you wish to become.

Success stories tend to focus on successes, very seldom on the disappointments and failures that preceded these successes. However, the lives of Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Paul Getty and a host of other internationally acclaimed achievers, reveal that these people overcame tremendous personal hardships, financial constraints and countless failures and rejections before going on to achieve their brilliant successes. Edison failed 9,999 time before he eventually succeeded in discovering the light bulb! When someone commented on this, he replied “Now I know 9,999 ways why electricity won’t work”.

What did these super achievers have in common? Firstly, they had an intense belief in themselves that transcended all thoughts of failure. Secondly, a passionate perseverance of their quest. Each had their plans of action which they pursued vigorously, exhibiting both a determination and a tenacity that could only have come from a deep conviction and belief in themselves.

However, what they achieved, you too can achieve if you work at programming your mind for it now. Begin today to consciously programme your mind to overcome limiting and negative thoughts. Change the cannot to cans and the failure expectations to success expectations. Give yourself achievable goals to reinforce the conviction that you CAN indeed achieve anything you wish to achieve. Remember that one of the ingredients of success is perseverance. Often success awaits you, behind the door of despair.

The following affirmations will help flush out your limiting thoughts and fill your mind with faith, confidence and optimism.
I am so happy now that I am filled with confidence and a strong sense of purpose in life/
I can achieve anything that I put my mind to.
I love challenges. Challenges are golden opportunities for me to surface my talents and capabilities.
I deserve success and happiness.
I am ready for success and happiness.

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