In life we don't get what we want, we get in life what we are. If we want more we have to be able to be more, in order to be more you have to face rejection. PEACE !

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Changing our Thinking takes time

I’m still reprogramming my mind with truth. I try to study Quran passages that replace my “myths” with statements that are based on fact. Insensitive comments about my “only” child don’t hurt as much as they used to-but I can now admit that they do hurt! For me, that’s a big step toward a more healthy values system. God doesn’t expect me to be superhuman.

Memorizing Scripture has been a big help, but it’s harder to memorize than it used to be and it’s tough to climb out of old ruts, even if they’re uncomfortable. Being honest about my emotions when I’m disappointment with God is still my most difficult hurdle, but I’m making progress. “The spirit will not remove all disappointment with God. But the spirit is also a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come, drawing on an earthly metaphor from the financial world. The spirit reminds us that such disappointments are temporary, a prelude to an eternal life with God. God deemed it necessary to restore the spiritual link before re-creating heaven and earth.

Right now life is hard and life is unfair. While we live in this fallen world, we will groan, or pretend we don’t! But my hope is firm and I have great security that there’s a better day coming!

Learning By Example

Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other.
Remember the saying Do as I say, not as I do – Well, that’s the way of the traditional establishment. Rather it should be just Do as I do. That’s how it always was in the old days. The real olds day. Let me explaining.
In feudal times, the leader of each clan was, to put it bluntly, the biggest and strongest person around. Why? Simply because the biggest and strongest was able to physically make their point heard to anyone who might consider mounting a challenge. Things didn’t change much in those days and any one leader could rule for a lifetime.
Business was also very simple then, as the stability of the leader and the unchanging nature of the times meant everyone knew their place in life. Most people were content just to keep on producing over their very short life spans.
That was until the spear was invented. –
Now, technology began to have an impact on the group. The most proficient pear-user became the potential new leader. Then the bow and arrow came along, followed by body amour. This development necessitated the invention of an even more sophisticated weapon – the gun. The most effective user of this new technology (the bow and arrow, the gun, etc.) could now quite easily become the new leader. As more and more inventions came to pass, and more and more products hit the marketplace, business and staying in charge, began to tax the minds of the leaders.
Here’s where it all get interesting … the leaders realized one very important fact – If they were to stay on as leader, they needed to ‘think hard’ rather than ‘work hard’. You see, if the leader was the smartest, as well as the biggest, person around, something truly extraordinary happened. The leader enrolled the inventors, those who knew things the leader didn’t, as employees. The leaders now made sure these spears were only made for them; the guns were only made for them. As a result, another amazing thing happened.
The leader taught each employee to be a Master Specialist. He then encouraged his Master Specialist (nowadays known as Master Craftsmen) to take on apprentices, so they could teach other people to specialize in the same skills. These apprentices learnt by closely watching what the Master Specialist did and how he did it. The Master Specialist became the apprentice’s mentor, and this system has worked very well through the centuries. It’s still the way apprentices learn their trades today.
But the problem crept in when society moved from being predominantly agrarian-based to one that was largely industrial-based. The leaders, who white-collar workers, turned away from the mentor system towards a more academic system of learning. The motto here was do as you’re told, with the emphasis being on repeating, parrot-fashion, as much as possible. School were built to teach people from early in life how to be good, how to do as they were told, how to fit into society and how to get a good job (as a specialist).
The mentor system had long-since gone out the window. The lessons of history had all but been forgotten.
Luckily all this seems set to change as more and more business people, the world over, are realizing the advantages of watching and following the example of successful businesses. They are re-discovering the mentor system. They are learning that if a system works for one business, it should work for others. And they are seeing for themselves that they don’t have to blunder around in the dark trying to reinvent the wheel – all they need to do is find a successful mentor and learn by example.
So how do you find other successful businesses to emulate? How do you discover who has a winning formula? After all, business people are notorious for playing their cards close to their chests. It’s a competitive business they‘re in and it’s often a case of the survival of the fittest. You can’t just walk into the office of a prosperous-looking company and ask the owner if you can go through their accounts or take a look at their marketing and business loan.
That’s where this book comes in. read about the experiences of real business people and how they’ve overcome some of their most challenging issues. These are their own accounts, written largely in their own words. See for yourself how they’ve turned the seemingly impossible into the easily achievable. Marvel at how they’ve transformed struggling businesses that were nothing more than millstones around their necks into thriving entities that are now the envy of many.
And best of all, you’ll begin to understand that if you learn from their experiences, your business can also flourish beyond your wildest dreams. So let’s go and visit some businesses that have done just what. More detailed stories, refer to page 11 of Action speaks louder than words.

Othman Ali

Hidup jangan terlalu serius, hanya bersahaja.

Budak2 Tadika pegi holiday kat Hawaii.

by Othman Ali on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 4:13pm

40 bdk tadika ni menang ticket free melancung ke Hawaii. Maka sahibul hikayat bermula lh ceritenyaa.. kate tukang karut famous kt kg aq.

Budak2 lh katekn.. klu tk buat bising,tk  buat serak2, kan budak tadika namenye. Sampai pilot kpl terbang tu tk tahan dengan perangai budak2 tu. "Din" kate pilot pd co-pilotnye, "Kau pegi setlekan bdk2 tu bagi die diam."  Co-pilot pegi dan blk semula ke cockpit,"Ok, aku dah settlekan." Lima minit lepas tu benda yg same juge berlaku. Pilot merungut lg, "Ishh ape ke mende lg tu?, Din gi settlekan lagi." Co-pilot bangun sambil melepaskan kentotnya,sebab seblm penerbangan dia pekena nasi lemak sambal petai.  "apelh lg yg bdk2 ni nk aq buat nii." Co pilot blk semula dan duduk dng confiden yg bende ni tk akn berulang lagi. Co-pilot bertanya, "Apa kau buat kat dia org?" Co-pilot menjawap dng egoistnya, "Small matter, aq suruh dia org chat2 kat FB.Ok boss aq tido jap ee, lu bwk aeroplane ni lek -elok, awan tebal ni."

Perjalanan menjadi indah lbh kurang 16.001 minit je. Lepas tu bende yg sama lg. Pilot angin lg, "Din, din, bagun jap, kau bwk aeroplane ni biar aq yg settlekn budak2 tu." Co-Pilot start lost confiden, eh,eh aq tk leh (sbb lesen memandu die dh expired), tk pe biar aq je yg gi ee." Co-pilot menjawap dng manja. Pilot menjawap, "Loye aq, gi cepat!" Pilot memandu dengan berhati2 sekali sambil minom kopi tongkat ali bekalan isteri tersayang.Sambil tu die skodeng2 kebawah melalui cermin kok ade awek2 sesat mandi berkem.. masa tu die melalui perkampungan org asli. Die mengeluh hampa, "Hmm tk de pun."

Co-pilot balik dan duduk semula dengan seribu kesenangan dhati. Sambil duduk die sempat mengepau kopi tongkat ali si pilot, "Bak sikit, ok. bos don werry, yeverything ok.ok. errth sambil sendawa lepas pekena kopi free." Pilot bertanya, "ape lak kau buat kali ni settle kn dak- budak tu?" Co-pilot dng slow motion menunjuk2 kepalanya sambil menjawap, "aq bukak pintu, suruh die main kat luar..." Co-pilot berkata, "Patutlh pick-up ye aeroplane ni, rengan jee bila aq tekan minyak, mekasih2 mekasih din, tuu pramugari tngh buat ape lak  kat lakang tu? Din jawap, "Tk de ape2, die pulak main FB, dah takde passenger, mane ade keje. Din aq sambung tido lek ee, zzzzzzzzz" 

Berlawak lah selalu dengan kawan2 yang bolih berlawak aje. Ianya mampu mengurangkan ketegangan, 


James Allen said “As man trinkets in his heart, so he is”. A man is literally what he thinks; his character is the complete sum of all his thoughts, perceptions, and attitudes.


The conscious mind is the part of you that thinks and reasons. Your free will resides here. The conscious can accept or reject any idea. No person or circumstance can cause you to think about thoughts or ideas you do not choose. The thoughts you choose eventually determine the results in your life. All pain, pleasure, and limitation, originate in the conscious mind, or are accepted uncritically from an outside source.
As you accept a thought, it is impressed upon the second part of your personality – your subconscious mind. Thus you become what you think about.


The subconscious mind is the most magnificent part of your mind for it is the power centre. It functions within every cell of your body. Every thought your conscious mind chooses to accept, this part (subconscious mind) must accept. Subconscious mind has no ability to reject.
The part of you operates in an orderly manner. “By law”, it expresses itself through you, in feelings and action. Any thought you consciously choose to impress upon the subconscious over and over, becomes fixed in this part of your personality. Fixed ideas (habits) will then continue to express themselves without any conscious mind assistance, until they are replaced. The subconscious mind knows no limits.


Although the body is the most obvious part of you, it is also the smallest part. The body is the physical representation of you – the material medium. It is merely the instrument of the mind, or the house you live in. the thoughts or images that are consciously chosen and impressed upon the subconscious (which is in every cell of your body), must move your body into action. The action you are involved in determines your results.
No 1 – Thoughts (mind)
No 2 – Feelings (attitude or emotional)
No 3 – Actions (physical or body or character)
No 4 – Results
To change results, change thoughts, feelings, and actions.
The progress of each individual is totally dependent on the way that individual uses his mind. The proper use of mind mechanics can lead to unlimited achievement, success, and gratification in all areas of life.
The purpose of the conscious mind is to be a goal-setting device that functions through comparison and analysis of available data.
The subconscious mind contains the automatic mechanism designed to execute selected goals.
The body is the physical vehicle through which goals are achieved. The body is effect takes its instructions from the mind.
All human creation originates from the mind. The results you experiences in your life therefore originate from your own mind. Control your mind and you will control your life. Control your mind’s perception of “self” and you control your attitude, and your belief systems. Thus “you are what you believe”.
Every aspects of yourself that is repeated and entertained by the conscious mind and believed to be true will be executed by the subconscious mind in a way that reflects this belief. Developing a positive believing attitude is therefore an important cornerstone in the entire exercise of consciously using the mind to help the human personality be whatever he/she wants to be.
It is important to always focus your mind on the desired end result, not on how you want to achieve it. Your subconscious mind will flash the ideas and the methods onto the conscious mind, often when you least expect it to. Thus, thinking and mind-control determine the person we are and can become.

Othman Ali

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Ada seorang penjaja yang menjadikan penjualan belon untuk menyara kehidupannya. Dia menjual pelbagai warna belon,biru,kuning,putih dan merah. Bila ekonomi menjadi celaru, perniagaanya mulai menurun. Dia  mencuba  menambah nilai kapada produk jualannya, dengan mengisikan gas helium kedalam belon tersebut dan mampu terbang, membuatkan kanak-kanak mula menyukainya. Penjualannya meningkat kembali. Suatu hari, seorang pelangannya, seorang anak kecil bertanyakan,"Kalau kamu lepaskan belon berwarna hitam, adakah ianya bolih terbang juga?" Tertarik dengan soalan anak itu, penjaja tersebut menjawap dengan tegas,"Nak.. bukan kerana warna belon itu yang diambil kira, tapi apa yang ada di dalamnya yang membuatkan ia mampu terbang."

Perkara yang sama berlaku dalam kehidupan. Apa yang berada dalam diri kita diambil kira. Faktor dalaman kita yang menjadikan kita terbang tinggi ialah sikap kita. Kenapa sesetengah individu, pertubuhan atau negara lebih berjaya antara satu sama yang lain? Segala-galanya bergantung kepada mutu seseorang atau rakyatnya. Kajian telah membuktikan bahawa sumber manusia merupakan aset bernilai untuk sesuatu institusi atau negara. Malangnya, ianya juga terbuang tanpa nilai yang bolih dipergunakan


How do we judge our value system?

How do we put our value system to the test? There are only two tests. The ultimate test is called the Mama Test. Whenever you are doing, whatever you are doing, wherever and with whomever, at home, at work, alone or with someone, if values are in question, ask yourself, “If my mama were to see me doing what I am doing right now, would she be proud of me and say “Atta boy!” or would she hang her head in shame?” Your values would be clarified rather quickly. If you pass the Mama Test and failed all other tests, you have passed. If you failed the Mama Test and passed all other tests, you have failed.
If the Mama Test doesn’t do it, here is another test called the Baba Test. Whenever you are doing, whatever you are doing, wherever and with whomever, at home or at work, alone or with someone, if values are in question, ask yourself, “If my children were to see me doing what I am doing right now, would I want them to see it, or would I embarrassed?”