In life we don't get what we want, we get in life what we are. If we want more we have to be able to be more, in order to be more you have to face rejection. PEACE !

Friday, June 3, 2011


Often we are not conscious of the fact that we talk to ourselves. Our daily lives are endless long-playing records. More often than not we replay unhappy, negative conversations and events from our past, not realizing the damage we cause to our mental and physical states. 78% of the time we mature into adulthood, with some of the most self-hindering programming permanently embedded in our subconscious minds, where they will effect every action that we will ever take and every thought we will ever think for the rest of our lives.
 Our subconscious minds simply accept what we or others programme into them whether the information is accurate or inaccurate, healthy or unhealthy, helpful or destructive. Now that we know this, we can decide to alter our lives by choosing thoughts and self-programming which will fulfill our dreams or desires. Below are some guidelines we can follow to ensure positive results in our life:
  1. We need to accept responsibility for our life and decide to direct along a path we choose – to prosperity, health, happiness, and inner peace.
  2. A good habit is to listen to our self-talk and note how much of it is frequently negative.
  3. When we realize we are entertaining a negative thought, we need to develop the habit of banishing it by saying “Next” or “Cancel, cancel”.
  4. We then need to turn every negative self-talk into a positive alternative.
Negative: “I can’t do this”.
Positive  : “Yes I can do this!”
Negative: “I am hopeless at this”.
Positive  : “I am good at this” or “I am getting better and better at this”.
  1. For affirmations to be most effective, they need to be repeated during a state of meditation,   when you are in a completely relaxed state – at your alpha level where your brain rhythm is 8-13 cycles per second. During this meditative state, you need to visualize your affirmation in detail using all your five sense if possible.
  2. Desire exactly what you wish to achieve, in as much detail as possible. Write it down sparing no detail. Poorly defined goals produce poor results.
  3. Think of what you wish to achieve as often as possible, the more often the better and the sooner you will achieve what you want.
  4. Surround your goal with all the appropriate emotions, as well as a positive belief that they are within reach. You can, only if you think you can.
A Little Black Pen

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